Germany & USA Based Cloud SSD VPS Hosting in Pakistan

Flexible VPS hosting platform to deploy your online projects. Economical and balanced between processor cores, memory, and storage. Many linux (open source) templates available to choose from. 

Unleash your projects potential with our VPS hosting in Pakistan for optimal performance, flexibility, and full control of your website or app. With root access, you can ensure fast and smooth operation. Benefit from our affordable hosting packages while we prioritize the security of your data through regular backups, delivering an unbeatable VPS hosting experience.

Linux VPS Hosting

Linux Virtual Private Servers

Select your preferred Virtual Private Server

Linux VPS Hosting (Professional) - US

Many customers are often unaware that they have alternatives to the well-known VPS hosting providers in Pakistan. With Web World Center, they can discover a great choice for their infrastructure, thanks to our reliable support, excellent performance, and competitive pricing.

Get 5% discount on 6 months, 10% discount on 1 year and 15% discount on 2 years

Linux VPS Hosting (Professional) - EU

Linux VPS Hosting
Flexible VPS hosting platform to deploy your online projects.

Cloud Virtual Private Servers for professionals

Many users prefer deploying CentOS with the free control panel, which allows for easy one-click installation. This combination is particularly popular among WordPress VPS users with free basic support

Managed Linux VPS Hosting (Business)

Reliable, High Performance VPS with NVMe Powered Storage. Don't risk being left without assistance. Opt for a managed Linux VPS that provides you with professional 24x7 support, exceptional performance, and reliable service. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, we ensure that you receive the best possible hosting solution.

Some Good Reasons to Choose

Web World Center Managed VPS Hosting


Web World Center offers managed support for customers with all our Business VPS plans. Our team is dedicated to assisting you with security patches, diagnosing failed services, and resolving control panel issues. We recommend utilizing popular control panels like cPanel, Plesk, or DirectAdmin to take full advantage of our comprehensive support services. For more information on our managed support, please visit our website.

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SEO services in Pakistan

Lighting Fast Loading Speed

Speed is a fundamental and impactful feature that comes with our Cloud VPS hosting package. Enjoy the benefit of a fast-loading website, ensuring that your potential customers are not lost to competitors.

Top-notch Security

We utilize the KVM, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo, and Hyper-V virtualization platforms, which are highly reputable and known for their top-notch security practices. Our virtual machine containers are securely isolated in a jail environment, ensuring that your workload remains private and inaccessible to other virtual servers on the same node.

Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support
Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support

Dedicated Resources

To maximize the value you receive for your investment, we offer the flexibility to choose and customize the resources on our VPS cloud. This includes options such as CPU cores, memory, storage, and transfer. With our pay-as-you-go model, you only need to pay for the specific resources you require, ensuring that you get the most out of every penny you spend.


Our scripts come with a one-click installation feature that gives you the freedom to create professional level websites without any coding skills.

Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Linux VPS (Storage) Hosting


Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Experience the most cost-effective way to run a virtual private server (VPS) right here. With VPS, you can save significantly compared to a dedicated server, potentially hundreds of dollars per month. Say goodbye to upfront hardware costs and the time-consuming tasks of provisioning and maintenance. VPS offers a balanced and affordable solution for deploying your applications on the World Wide Web, saving you thousands of dollars and countless hours.

Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Introducing our high-performance SSD storage, offering speeds 20 times faster than standard SATA drives. We prioritize data consistency and redundancy through our RAID level 10 storage arrays. RAID ensures optimal performance and redundancy, meeting the demands of critical workloads. Experience the power and reliability of our cutting-edge storage technology.

Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Deploying VPS instances is a breeze with our user-friendly control panel. Select your preferred operating system from popular options like CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian. We also offer Windows VPS on our Hyper-V or KVM platform. Customize your power by adding more slices, and choose additional options such as your preferred control panel. Experience the flexibility and control of our VPS hosting solution.

Buy Managed Linux VPS Hosting In Pakistan - 27x7 Pro Support


Web World Center deploy VPS from either our West Coast datacenter in Los Angeles, CA or our East Coast datacenter in Secaucus, NJ. Choosing the location closest to you will help minimize latency, which is crucial for platforms like stock trading. Alternatively, you can deploy in both locations to ensure redundancy and enhance the reliability of your services. Enjoy the flexibility to select the datacenter location that best suits your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

VPS hosting, or virtual private server hosting, is a type of hosting service that provides users with their own virtual server within a shared physical server. Each user has their own dedicated operating system and resources, allowing for greater flexibility and control compared to shared hosting. It offers a balance between cost-efficiency and performance, making it a popular choice for businesses and individuals with specific hosting needs.

Yes, VPS hosting is generally recommended over shared hosting for websites with higher traffic or mid-level businesses. It provides more resources, scalability, and control compared to shared hosting. With VPS hosting, you can host multiple websites, blogs, databases, and other applications, and have the freedom to install the software you need. It offers better performance and flexibility for websites that require more resources and customization options.

Yes, some level of technical knowledge is required to effectively manage a VPS server and meet your business requirements. While basic management services are provided free of charge, additional tasks may require paid services. Our team can assist you with various tasks based on your needs and ensure that your VPS server is properly configured and optimized for optimal performance and security.

We do not provide a trial period or money-back guarantee. Our billing is on a month-to-month basis, giving you the flexibility to cancel at any time if you are unsatisfied with our service.

Upgrading your VPS in the future is a seamless process. Our scalable virtual private server environment allows for easy upgrades and downgrades. Our experienced technicians are available to assist you with any upgrades you may need. In most cases, we can upgrade your server resources without the need for a migration. Upgrading is quick and simple, typically requiring just a few clicks. There is no downtime, data loss, or change of IP address involved. You can trust us to make the upgrade process smooth and hassle-free.

CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora, Windows, and many others as per your requirements.

Getting a customized VPS server is easy. Simply let us know your specific requirements by calling us at +92 321 622 4232, requesting a call back, or initiating a live chat with us. We will work with you to understand your needs and provide you with a customized VPS server that meets your exact specifications. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Yes. Just like dedicated servers, you have full control over your VPS, with root/SSH access to your part of the server.

Our VPS hosting offers a range of benefits, including increased storage capacity, higher RAM allocation, and faster processors. With a VPS, you can host multiple websites, handle higher levels of traffic, improve website loading speeds, run a wider range of applications, and optimize server configurations for optimal performance. Unlike shared hosting, you won’t be affected by the activities of other users, ensuring better reliability and performance for your websites or applications.

Shared hosting involves sharing server resources with other users, where you rent storage space on a web server and share its resources. It is suitable for small websites with low traffic.

In contrast, VPS hosting provides dedicated resources by creating virtual private servers on a physical server. Each VPS has its own dedicated storage, RAM, CPU resources, and operating system. This allows for better performance, scalability, and control compared to shared hosting.

As your website or business grows, VPS hosting offers the flexibility to scale resources as needed, providing more storage and resources to handle increased traffic and demands.

At Web World Center, we provide managed VPS hosting solutions where our team takes care of the technical aspects for you. You can easily manage your hosting and website through the DirectAdmin control panel, which offers a user-friendly interface. Our goal is to ensure a seamless experience for you without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

Managed VPS hosting includes additional services where the hosting provider takes care of technical tasks such as server setup, software updates, security patches, and server maintenance. This allows customers to focus on their websites and applications without the need for extensive technical knowledge. On the other hand, unmanaged VPS hosting requires customers to handle these tasks themselves, giving them more control and flexibility but also requiring more technical expertise.

Choosing the right VPS hosting plan for your website involves considering your specific needs and requirements. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Resource Requirements: Evaluate the amount of CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth needed to support your website or application.

  2. Operating System: Determine whether you require Linux VPS or Windows VPS hosting based on the technologies and software you plan to use.

  3. Scalability: Consider the ability to easily upgrade your resources as your website grows and demands increase.

  4. Management: Decide whether you prefer a managed VPS hosting plan, where the provider handles server management, or an unmanaged plan where you have more control and responsibility.

  5. Support: Ensure that the hosting provider offers reliable customer support to assist you in case of any technical issues or queries.

By carefully considering these factors and discussing your needs with our experts, you can select the right VPS hosting plan that aligns with your requirements and helps your website or application thrive.

A VPS hosting package offers numerous advantages, providing you with greater control and flexibility compared to shared hosting. With your own operating system and increased resources, you can run resource-intensive applications and handle more traffic without compromising performance. Additionally, you have the freedom to customize your server’s settings and choose the most suitable operating system for your needs. Enhanced security, scalability, and the ability to install and configure software of your choice further empower you to manage your online presence effectively.

Dedicated server hosting offers the entire server solely for your use, providing you with unmatched storage, speed, and processing power. With dedicated hosting, you have complete control over the physical server, allowing you to customize its specifications, such as the number of cores, memory, and disk size. Additionally, you have full control over the operating system and server configuration. On the other hand, VPS server hosting involves virtualizing a dedicated server into multiple virtual private servers, offering a balance between shared hosting and dedicated resources. Each VPS operates independently with its own operating system and allocated resources.

When it comes to control panels for VPS hosting, we offer DirectAdmin as an option for managing your VPS and websites. DirectAdmin provides a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive set of tools to efficiently manage your VPS hosting environment.

We strive to deliver your VPS server within 6-8 hours, although it may take up to 24 hours in some cases. Please note that custom server configurations may cause additional delays.

You can access your VPS hosting machine via SSH (for Linux) and RDP (for windows) with its root access or full control.